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[求助] 调用子件用途表的存储过程,运行很慢的原因?

发表于 2015-12-22 18:05:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1. Sub 按钮1_单击()
  2. Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
  3. Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
  4. Dim constr As String
  5. Dim sql As String
  6. Dim bm As String
  7. Dim i, j

  8. On Error Resume Next

  9. constr = "Provider = SQLOLEDB;Data Source =JIN;Initial Catalog =UFDATA_666_2013;User ID =sa;Password =jin1668;"
  10. conn.Open (constr)

  11. Range("a6:j5000").ClearContents

  12. Randomize

  13. s = Int(Rnd * 10000 + 1000)
  14. ds = "NBUF_TmpReportA" & s

  15. bm = Trim(Range("b1"))
  16. If Len(bm) = 0 Then
  17. Exit Sub
  18. End If

  19. sql = "select a.cinvname,a.cinvstd,b.cComUnitName from inventory a left join ComputationUnit b on a.cComUnitCode =b.cComunitcode where a.cinvcode='" & bm & "'"

  20. Set rst = conn.Execute(sql)

  21. If rst.BOF = 0 Then
  22. Range("b2") = rst.Fields(0)
  23. Range("b3") = rst.Fields(1)
  24. Range("b4") = rst.Fields(2)
  25. Else
  26. MsgBox "不存在的存货编码!"
  27. Exit Sub
  28. End If

  29. Range("e1") = Time()

  30. [color=Red]sql = "exec Usp_BO_ExpandByComp 'and  1=1  And ((c.InvCode >= ''" & bm & "'') And (c.InvCode <= ''" & bm & "''))'," & " '" & "2099-12-04" & "', 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0,1,'', '','" & ds & " '"

  31. conn.Execute (sql)[/color]
  32. Range("e2") = Time()

  33. sql = "select 级别,子件行号,母件编码,母件名称,PItemSpec,母件计量单位,版本代号,版本说明,母件属性,基本用量 from " & ds

  34. Set rst = conn.Execute(sql)

  35. Range("e3") = Time()

  36. Cells(6, 1).CopyFromRecordset rst

  37. sql = "drop table " & ds
  38. conn.Execute (sql)

  39. rst.Close
  40. rst2.Close
  41. conn.Close

  42. Set rst = Nothing
  43. Set rst2 = Nothing
  44. Set conn = Nothing

  45. End Sub

发表于 2015-12-22 19:15:52 | 显示全部楼层
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